
Unlock Your Inner Leader: What’s Your Leadership Style?

Your Inner Leader
Unlock Your Inner Leader: What's Your Leadership Style?

  • Question of

    In a group project, what role do you naturally take on?

    • A) The planner and organizer
    • B) The creative idea generator
    • C) The peacemaker and mediator
    • D) The motivator and encourager
  • Question of

    How do you handle conflicts or disagreements in a team setting?

    • A) Address the issues head-on and propose solutions
    • B) Suggest innovative approaches to find common ground
    • C) Listen to both sides and help facilitate compromise
    • D) Inspire team members with positivity and optimism
  • Question of

    What leadership quality do you value most?

    • A) Strategic thinking and planning
    • B) Creativity and innovation
    • C) Empathy and communication
    • D) Inspirational and motivational skills
  • Question of

    How do you make decisions as a leader?

    • A) Analyze data and consider all possible outcomes
    • B) Trust your intuition and creativity
    • C) Seek input and consensus from team members
    • D) Make decisions based on a vision and inspiration
  • Question of

    What’s your preferred way of recognizing and rewarding team members?

    • A) Acknowledging their hard work publicly
    • B) Providing opportunities for their creative expression
    • C) Offering personal thanks and appreciation
    • D) Inspiring them with motivational words

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