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10 Travel Hacks That Will Change The Way You Travel Forever!

Traveling like a seasoned pro is not an instant success. It comes with its own set of challenges and difficult situations. Want an easy way out? Simple. This list of useful travel tricks can come in helpful if you want to avoid numerous common travel calamities. That’s right, there are a slew of hidden secrets and tactics that will revolutionize the way you travel forever!

travel hacks
Picture From: medium

Whether it’s never missing a flight again, packing hacks, or saving a few pennies, these 10 pro-tips and travel hacks will make the journey less stressful and your vacation a lot more relaxing!

1. Email yourself a scan of your passport:

If you lose your passport while traveling, having a digital copy can be helpful. It allows you to access your passport information quickly and easily, which can expedite the replacement process at your embassy or consulate.

passport travel hacks
Picture From: NA-AT-Technologies

Carrying a hardcopy of your passport is essential, but forgetfulness, theft, and loss may always strike at the worst time. By sending yourself a scan of your passport, you ensure that in the event of an emergency, your passport is just a click away. This also applies to any other types of travel confirmations (tickets, etc.); scan or screenshot the same to spare yourself a lot of work in the future.

2. Roll your clothes for more space:

Rolling clothes squeezes out air pockets, allowing you to fit more items in your suitcase compared to traditional folding. This is especially helpful for bulky items like sweaters or jeans. Believe it or not, rolling clothes can actually help minimize wrinkles! The tight roll creates even pressure, reducing those sharp creases that form with folding.

packing travel hacks
Picture From: The Planet Traveller

Rolled clothes are like little space-saving cylinders. This allows you to easily fit them into nooks and crannies in your suitcase, maximizing every bit of available space.

Ready to Roll? Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Lay your garment flat.
  2. Fold the bottom edge inwards by a few inches (optional, helps with tightness).
  3. Fold in the sleeves towards the center.
  4. Begin rolling from the opposite end (the folded end or the collar for shirts) towards the other end.
  5. Secure the roll with a ribbon, rubber band, or tuck the end of the roll under itself.

3. If you’re jetlagged, run it off:

While the urge to hit the ground running (literally) might be strong after a long flight, running it off to combat jet lag isn’t the best strategy. Exertion can actually rev you up further, making it harder to adjust to the new time zone and fall asleep when nighttime arrives.

Picture From: Wikipedia

Instead, focus on regulating your body clock gradually. Adjust light exposure to match your destination’s daylight hours. Stay hydrated and avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can disrupt sleep patterns. A light walk or some gentle yoga can help ease stiffness from travel but avoid anything too strenuous. Listen to your body’s cues and prioritize rest over pushing yourself to exercise intensely.

4. Make friends on the road using Travel Buddies and Backpackr:

Traveling solo can be an enriching experience, but sometimes you crave companionship. Here’s where Travel Buddies and Backpackr come in! These online platforms connect you with fellow adventurers journeying to similar destinations or with compatible travel styles.

travel hacks
Picture From: CNN

Simply create a profile highlighting your interests, travel plans, and personality. Browse profiles of other users and send messages to spark connections. You can even check out each other’s itineraries to see if your travel styles align. With Travel Buddies and Backpackr, you can turn solo travel into a chance to meet like-minded individuals and create lasting friendships on the road.

5. Put your rechargeable batteries in the fridge:

Hold off on that fridge raid for your rechargeable batteries! While it sounds like a cool hack to keep them juiced up for your travels, it’s actually a myth. Rechargeable batteries, like the ones in your camera or headlamp, perform best at room temperature. Sticking them in the cold fridge can cause condensation to form upon taking them out, which can damage the battery and its lifespan.

Picture From: REI

Let’s focus on some smart packing strategies instead. Pack fully charged batteries and bring extras if needed. Consider using a portable charger to top up your devices on the go. This way, you can ensure your electronics stay powered throughout your trip without resorting to any fridge experiments.

6. Follow a pub crawl party for the best nightlife in town:

Looking to dive headfirst into a city’s nightlife scene? Ditch the hours of research and follow a pub crawl party! These organized tours weave through popular bars, often offering exclusive drink deals and VIP entry. It’s a fantastic way to meet fellow travelers, explore different bars in one night, and get a taste of the city’s buzzing nightlife, all with a guide to navigate the way.

Picture From: Pub

You’ll experience the local bar scene without the hassle of planning or feeling lost. So grab your dancing shoes and an adventurous spirit – a pub crawl might be the perfect way to kick off your unforgettable nights in a new city.

7. Be strategic with flight cancellations:

If the airline cancels your flight, you’re entitled to a full refund or rebooking on the next available flight. However, if the cancellation is due to weather or events beyond the airline’s control, rebooking might be your only option. In this case, be persistent! Call the airline and politely inquire about being placed on the next closest flight, even if it means a different airline or a slightly different route.

Picture From: The mediterranean observer

Be open to alternative travel options. If the airline offers a voucher for a future flight, consider using it for a spontaneous weekend getaway instead. Explore nearby destinations that might be reachable by train or bus if the airfare seems inflated due to the cancellation. By staying flexible, you can turn a potential travel headache into a chance to explore somewhere new!

8. Carry a handy extension cable, especially if you’re staying in hostels:

Staying in a hostel is a fantastic way to meet fellow travelers and keep costs down. But one downside can be the limited number of outlets in dorm rooms. Here’s where a handy travel hack comes in: carrying a lightweight extension cable.

Picture From: Reflects

This little lifesaver will instantly multiply your charging options. No more fighting for the single outlet by the window! You and your bunkmates can all charge phones, cameras, and other devices simultaneously, creating a more harmonious and tech-charged hostel experience.

9. Download Google Maps offline:

Never get lost on vacation again! Download Google Maps offline for your travel destinations. This handy trick ensures you can navigate unfamiliar streets and find hidden gems, even without a data connection or Wi-Fi. Simply open the Google Maps app, search for your desired location, and select “Download Offline Map.” Choose the specific area you want to save, and voila!

Picture From: Forbes

You’ll have access to turn-by-turn directions, points of interest, and essential information like restaurants and ATMs – all at your fingertips, online or off. This travel hack is a lifesaver for exploring new places with confidence.

10. Google Translate is Your Travel BFF:

Traveling to a new country is an enriching experience, but language barriers can sometimes put a damper on your adventures. Fear not, intrepid explorer! Google Translate is here to be your travel best friend, smoothing communication and turning frustrations into fond memories. Download this free app before your trip and unlock a world of understanding.

google translate travel hacks
Picture From: Search Engine Journal

Some additional travelling tips-

Master the Art of Haggling: If you find yourself in a market known for bargaining, do your research beforehand. Learn a few key phrases in the local language to negotiate prices with confidence. Be polite, start with a lower offer, and be willing to walk away if you don’t reach an agreement.

Food Like a Local: Skip the tourist traps and seek out local eateries. Ask your hostel or hotel staff for recommendations, or follow the lunchtime crowds. You’ll enjoy a more authentic experience and often pay less for a delicious meal.

local food travel hacks
Picture From: Travilnmad

Be a Savvy Souvenir Hunter: Don’t buy the first overpriced trinket you see. Look for unique, handcrafted items that represent the local culture. Haggling can be appropriate at markets, but always be respectful of vendors.

Embrace Public Transportation: Public transportation is a budget-friendly way to get around a new city and offers a glimpse into the daily lives of locals. Purchase travel cards for discounted fares and avoid the stress of navigating traffic.

Travel During the Shoulder Season: Shoulder seasons (spring and fall) often offer pleasant weather, fewer crowds, and better deals on flights and accommodation compared to peak tourist season.


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