Game of Thrones is renowned for its unforgettable one-liners, legendary quips, and clever conversations. Original quotations and words from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire book series is used in the show. Some of the most famous phrases in the series are from key characters such as Tyrion Lannister, Eddard Stark, and Daenerys Targaryen.
No other TV program in history has equaled Game of Thrones’ popularity, success, and critical praise. Much of this may be attributed to its fantastical world-building, casting, and funny characterisation, all while remaining fairly faithful to George R.R. Martin’s source material.

Despite the disappointing series finale, Game of Thrones is known for its clever and memorable one-liners and quotes, many of which stick with viewers long after they’ve watched the show.
Here are the most iconic quotes from HBO’s Game of Thrones.
1. “Winter is coming.” – Eddard Stark
This simple phrase, uttered by the honorable Ned Stark in the very first episode, set the tone for the entire series. It’s a stark (pun intended) reminder of the ever-present threat beyond the Wall and the harsh realities of life in Westeros. Interestingly, the threat of winter in the show parallels the real-life climate crisis, adding an extra layer of subtext to the quote’s meaning.

2. “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” – Cersei Lannister:
This chilling line from the ruthless Cersei perfectly encapsulates the brutal nature of the power struggle in Westeros. It’s a constant reminder that there are no safe bets, no alliances that can’t be broken, and no mercy for those who fall behind. The line was actually inspired by a similar quote from George R.R. Martin’s book “A Feast for Crows”: “In the game of thrones, the only winning move is not to play.”

3. “Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder.” – Petyr Baelish
Littlefinger’s infamous quote speaks to his manipulative nature and his ability to thrive in the midst of uncertainty. He sees chaos as an opportunity to climb the social ladder, using any means necessary to achieve his goals. The line has been compared to similar quotes about chaos and opportunity, such as Shakespeare’s “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

4. “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” – Eddard Stark
This quote highlights Ned’s unwavering sense of justice and his belief in personal accountability. He believes that those who make the tough decisions should also be willing to carry out the consequences, even if it means facing their own mortality. It’s a direct contradiction to the way Cersei and other power players in Westeros operate, where executions are often carried out by subordinates.

5. “Power is power.” – Cersei Lannister
Cersei’s blunt statement speaks to her cynical view of power. She sees it as an absolute force, devoid of morality or justification. For her, the only thing that matters is acquiring and wielding power, regardless of the cost. It contrasts with other characters’ views, like Daenerys’ belief in using power for good or Stannis’ belief in serving a higher purpose.

6. “I don’t plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me.” – Lyanna Mormont
Despite her young age, Lyanna Mormont shows remarkable courage and leadership. This quote defies the traditional gender roles of Westeros and asserts her right to fight alongside the men in defense of her home. She was only 10 years old when she delivered the line, making her character’s courage and confidence even more remarkable.

7. “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” – Ygritte
This playful taunt from the wildling Ygritte became a running gag throughout the series, teasing Jon Snow’s sheltered upbringing and highlighting the cultural differences between the Night’s Watch and the wildlings. The line spawned countless memes and online parodies, showcasing its enduring popularity with fans.

8. “Valar Morghulis.” – The Faceless Men
This High Valyrian phrase, meaning “All men must die,” is a chilling mantra often uttered by the Faceless Men, a mysterious assassin guild. It serves as a constant reminder of the fragility of life in Westeros, regardless of social status or power. Interestingly, the phrase was actually created by the showrunners for the series, drawing inspiration from real-life sayings about death and mortality.

9. “A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I’m going home.” – Arya Stark
After years of hardship and training, Arya finally reclaims her identity and purpose with this powerful declaration. It marks a turning point in her journey and signals her determination to return to her roots and fight for her family.

These are just a few of the many iconic quotes from Game of Thrones. Each one captures a different aspect of the show’s complex world, characters, and themes. Whether it’s a reminder of the harsh realities of power, the importance of justice, or the fragility of life, these quotes continue to resonate with fans long after the series has ended.
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