Among the brutality, intimacy, and political machinations that have made Game of Thrones a definitive popular series of modern television, one thing that has always stood out is the show’s intrinsic ability to produce consistently amazing language usage. From foreboding forewarnings of bad things to come, to well-articulated pearls of philosophical insight, and even sharp and piercing insults that put disdainful cretins in their place, these are the greatest Game of Thrones quotations, exhibiting the show’s writing at its best.

Many of these statements have become famous in their own way, becoming part of television history and becoming part of the common vernacular of Game of Thrones fans everywhere. These Game of Thrones expressions have become associated with the show, precisely reflecting its key ideas while skillfully and effectively embodying the mindsets of the people who said them.
1. “The Lannisters send their regards.” – Roose Bolton
Season 3, Episode 9 (2013)
“The Lannisters send their regards” is indeed a chilling and iconic line from Game of Thrones, with a range of interpretations depending on the context. Here are some of its possible meanings:
A threat: This is the most common interpretation. It’s a cold and ominous way of announcing someone’s death or misfortune, often delivered shortly before or after the act. Think of The Red Wedding, where Robb Stark and his forces are massacred after hearing this phrase.

A warning: Sometimes, it can serve as a more subtle warning, letting someone know they’ve crossed the Lannisters and should fear the consequences. For example, Cersei might utter this to Margaery Tyrell as a show of power and a reminder of who’s truly in control.
A mocking taunt: In certain situations, it can be delivered with a cruel undertone, mocking the recipient’s misfortune or helplessness. Imagine Joffrey saying this to Sansa Stark after humiliating her, adding salt to the wound.

A symbol of power: Regardless of the specific context, the phrase itself signifies the Lannisters’ influence and ruthlessness. It’s a reminder that they can reach anyone, anywhere, and have no qualms about eliminating anyone who stands in their way.
2. “Not today.”– Syrio Forel and Arya Stark
Season 1, Episode 6 (2011)
Not today” is indeed a powerful and iconic quote from Game of Thrones, spoken by Arya Stark’s fencing teacher, Syrio Forel. Its significance extends beyond the immediate scene in the first season and resonates throughout the series.

In the scene, Arya is cornered by a group of Lannister guards following the execution of her father, Eddard Stark. Syrio, despite being outnumbered and outmatched, bravely defends her. He teaches her the basics of swordsmanship while instilling in her a spirit of resilience and defiance. The phrase “Not today” encapsulates this message.

“Not today” isn’t just a simple declaration of survival. It’s a statement of defiance against fate, against overwhelming odds. Syrio teaches Arya that even in the face of imminent death, one can choose to fight, to refuse to give up. He instills in her a warrior’s spirit, preparing her for the harsh realities of Westeros.
3. “Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king.”- Tywin Lannister
Season 3, Episode 10 (2013)
On the surface, Tywin suggests that a genuine king doesn’t need to proclaim their title. Their authority and command respect should be self-evident, earned through leadership, strength, and the trust of their people. Someone who feels the need to constantly announce their kingship might be insecure, compensating for a lack of true legitimacy or respect.
This quote can be seen as a commentary on the difference between rightful rule and brute force. A true king derives their power from a legitimate claim to the throne, passed down through lineage or chosen by the people. Someone who seizes power and declares themself king, like Joffrey, might have the physical strength but lacks the true respect and acceptance that comes with hereditary or popularly-supported rule.

It’s interesting to note the irony in Tywin saying this, as he himself is a manipulative power player who often uses intimidation and fear to control others. While advocating for a certain leadership style, his own actions don’t always align with his philosophy.
4. “Yes, all men must die. But we are not men.” – Daenerys Targaryan
Season 3, Episode 3 (2013)
On the surface, Daenerys is acknowledging the inevitability of death for all living beings, but asserting that dragons, and by extension herself as a Targaryen with dragon lineage, are somehow different. This could be seen as arrogance or a misunderstanding of mortality, even foreshadowing her later descent into tyranny.

The quote could also be interpreted more figuratively. Daenerys might be claiming that she and her dragons are beyond the limitations of ordinary humans. It could represent her ambition to break free from traditional societal norms and embrace her exceptional destiny.

It’s important to consider the potential dangers of this exceptionalist mindset. Believing oneself to be above human limitations can lead to moral blindness and justify harmful actions. Daenerys’s later choices highlight the potential pitfalls of claiming to be “Not Men.”
5. “Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not.”– Tyrion Lannister
Season 1, Episode 1 (2011)
In the context of Tyrion’s own experience as a dwarf, the quote can be seen as an encouragement to embrace and define oneself by one’s strengths and unique qualities, regardless of how society perceives them. It’s a message of self-acceptance and empowerment in the face of prejudice and discrimination.

The quote from Game of Thrones, is a sobering reminder of the harsh realities of the world. People will judge and discriminate based on perceived differences, be it physical appearance, social status, or any other factor. Accepting this reality allows you to prepare for it and navigate it strategically. By knowing and owning what sets you apart, you can develop resilience against the negativity and judgment of others. Tyrion’s resilience and success, despite facing constant prejudice, serve as an example of this strength.
6. “Power resides where men believe it resides.”– Lord Varys
Season 2, Episode 3 (2012)
“Power resides where men believe it resides,” spoken by the enigmatic Lord Varys in Game of Thrones, is a deceptively simple phrase with profound implications. Varys suggests that power isn’t solely based on physical strength, military might, or even birthright. It’s ultimately an illusion, a perception created and sustained by the belief of others. A leader can wield immense power not through brute force, but through the trust and obedience they inspire in their subjects.

This quote also highlights the precarious nature of power. It depends on the fickle whims of the populace and can shift easily if their belief wavers. A king who loses the trust of his people, or a cunning advisor who fails to control the narrative, can see their power evaporate overnight.
7. “A man needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.” -Tyrion Lannister
Season 1, Episode 2 (2011)
The quote “A man needs books like a sword needs a whetstone,” spoken by the witty and insightful Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones, is a powerful metaphor for the importance of knowledge and learning.
Just as a whetstone keeps a sword sharp and ready for use, books keep our minds sharp and prepared for the challenges of life. They provide us with knowledge, skills, and diverse perspectives that we can draw upon to navigate complex situations and make informed decisions. Tyrion, a master strategist despite his physical limitations, emphasizes the value of sharpening his intellect through reading.

While the quote uses the metaphor of a sword and whetstone, its message is not limited to men or physical combat. It applies to anyone who seeks to learn, grow, and expand their horizons. Reading is a valuable tool for anyone, regardless of gender or background, who wants to sharpen their mind, expand their understanding, and enrich their life.
8. “I’m not going to stop the wheel. I’m going to break the wheel.”– Daenerys Targaryen
Season 5, Episode 8 (2015)
This quote signifies Daenerys’s rejection of the oppressive and cyclical nature of Westerosi society. The “Wheel” can represent the endless cycle of power struggles, violence, and exploitation perpetuated by noble houses vying for the Iron Throne. Daenerys aims to shatter this system and create a new world order based on justice, equality, and freedom.

Daenerys’s vision is undoubtedly idealistic, driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire to break free from the oppressive systems she has witnessed. However, her pursuit of absolute power and her tendency towards authoritarianism raise concerns about the potential consequences of her revolution. Breaking the wheel without building a just and sustainable system in its place could lead to new forms of tyranny.
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